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•   Donna Lyons (Setzer)  6/26
•   Anne Jenkins (Miller)  4/2
•   Joanna Brooks (Davis)  11/15
•   Sam Smith  10/6
•   Richard Wallace  5/25
•   Rachel Starnes (Martin)  4/1
•   JoAnn Long (Reece)  8/18
•   Gail Conder (Dings)  8/17
•   Larry Kerns  8/1
•   Faye Melvin (Edwards)  12/12
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1 lives in Alabama
2 live in California
3 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
55 live in North Carolina
11 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Virginia
6 location unknown


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Welcome to the Harding High Class Of 1957 web site.  If you are a member of the Class and have not joined the site please do so by selecting Classmate Profiles from the Menu, click on your name and follow the instructions. 




Anne and Becky in their Time Machine have just returned from the 50s at the 60 year Class Reunion held on Saturday, September 30, 2017, at the Cedarwood Country Club.  Repairs will be needed before they venture to the year 2022 for the 70th.


Football Game Films

This link has videos of some of the football games of our senior year. The games with Gastonia, Parker, Asheboro, North, East, and Central are available.  Check it out by clicking the Football Game Films link on the menu.  


Elementary School Pictures Gallery.  

Class Pictures for Bethune, Enderly Park, Parks Hutchinson, Wesley Heights and Zeb Vance.


Harding High History

A comprehensive history of Harding High School, from its beginning though 1961, is now on the website.  To read it just elect Harding High History from the menu on the left.

Harding From the Start

A Gallery of Photos from The Acorn starting with 1936 


 Charlotte in the 50s Gallery.  

A gallery of how we remember Charlotte.


Articles from the Harding Hi-Lites are now on the website.  To read them just select Hi Lites from the menu.


Class Favorites:

Radio Station - Big Ways

Song - Unchained Melody

Movie - Giant

TV Show - The Rifleman 

Lunch Spot - Conder's

Drive-In Restaurant - Town and Country

Cowboy - Clayton Moore (The Lone Ranger)

1950's Icon - Elvis Presley

Car - Chevrolet

Teacher - Ms. Carr

Beach in the 50s - Myrtle Beach



I remember in the spring of 1957, Bill Godfrey, his brother Duane, and I skipped school ( ya, it was bad ) and went to Myrtle Beach and requisitioned the City sign and brought it back to Harding. So Myrtle Beach was a good pick!

 If you have pictures from previous reunions or class dinners please email a few to and we will add them to the site.

User Forums - These forums provide a way to get classmates to respond to any topic that you start.  Just select User Forums from the menu on the left.  When the forum page appears select new topic.  Enter a topic name then enter your text.

To reply to an existing forum topic, select User Forums from the menu on the left.  Select the forum you wish to reply to.  Select the topic and select reply then enter your text.

Let's get some discussions going.