Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 54
     Profile contains photos: 12
     In Memory: 91
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 14
     Military Service: 35
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Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 54    Newest Members: 54    Latest Comments: 45  

Betty Alexander (Gulledge)   
Harold Anderson   
Bobbie Atkinson (McKenzie)
Charles Austin
Ronnie Aycoth  
Jimmy Bagwell    
Eddy Barclift  
Wayne Barefoot  
Bobby Beam
Irvin Black  
Harry Blackwelder    
Nancy Blackwelder (Phillips)
Mike Bolt  
Kenneth Bonds
Joanna Brooks (Davis)   
Rebecca Brooks (Tadlock)  
Bill Brown   
Jane Brown (Greer)  
Clarence Bullard
Sue Burch (Carter)  
Lorna Byers (Ingram)  
Onyx Cahoon (Mixon)  
Earl Campbell   
Linda Campbell (Gibson)   
Patricia Campbell (Robbins)  
Melvin Carson   
Jack Carter  
Peggy Cathey (Shaw)
George Chapman     
Jerry Christenbury   
Wayne Christenbury   
Joe Clark   
James Cobb   
Barbara Cole (Kinney)  
Gail Conder (Dings)   
Emma Jane Correll (Allgaier)   
Jerry Cox
Ronnie Crane  
Cornelia Criminger (Hamilton)  
Janet Crosby (Harris)  
Nina Curtis (Foil)  
Mary Frances Dickson (Broom)
Barbara Dodson (Kirkpatrick)   
David Edwards  
Nancy Eison (Privett)
David Eppley  
Peggy Farmer (Ashley)  
Ken Ferrell   
Diane Finlayson (Sanders)
Weldon Foard    
Barbara Ford (Lands)  
Hal Frazier  
Jim Frazier   
Rachel Frazier (Kiser)
Jean Fulk (Wall)   
Bryan Furr  
Michael Furr  
Billy Gallant  
Eleanor Gardner (Randall)   
Charles Garner   
Jean Garren (Earnhardt)  
Carolyn Gibson (Edwards)
Shirley Gilbert (Belk)   
Betty Giles (Davis)  
Claire Gilliland (Shaffner)  
Tommie Glenham  
Bill Godfrey  
Martha Gordon (Hills)  
Grace Greene (Russell)  
Joyce Greene (Martin)  
Rufus Grice  
Jerry Griffin   
Donna Hardin (Wynn)   
Gayle Harkey (Smith)   
Betty Sue Helms (Simpson)   
Eugene Helms
Tim Helms    
Ruth Hill (Jenkins)  
Marie Hinson
Ralph Holthouser   
Kent Honeycutt  
Jimmy Hooks    
Sandra Hord (Frye)  
Pat Jackson (Brigman)  
Eleanor Jannette  
Anne Jenkins (Miller)    
Wayne Jones  
Jack Justice    
Larry Kerns    
Virginia Key (Curlee)
JoAnn Killian (Apperson)   
Richard Kistler   
Betty Laxton (Mattox)  
Bonnie Laxton (Dowdle)
Robert Ledwell  
Charles LeNeave   
Peter Leonard   
Earl Link   
Keith Little  
Sarah Lofty
JoAnn Long (Reece)    
Onita Long (Mullis)
Frances Mahaffee (Black)  
Melissa Martin (Ledford)  
Tommy Martin   
Jerry Mayhew    
Lewis McClendon  
Jerry McGee  
Johnnie McLean (Payne)
Joan Melton (Lanning)  
Faye Melvin (Edwards)  
Robert Metcalf   
Phyllis Miles (Smith)  
Georgia Anne Mitchell (Leeka)
Donnie Mitchem
Carolyn Morgan (Miller)   
Carolyn Mullis (Hovis)  
Tempie Murphy (Mullis)  
Melvin Nixon    
Colvin O'Donnell    
Marvin O'Donnell    
Billy Parks    
Maxine Parris (Connell)  
Leidy Peeler  
Shaw Buddy Pender  
Richard C Pepper   
Nancy Phillips (Phillips)   
Eugene Porter   
Nancy Posey (King)  
Gail Power (Helms)   
Carol Pressley (Braswell)  
Carolyn Pressley
Ronald Rainwater   
James Ratchford  
Barbara Ray (Davis)
Pat Rea (Spivey)
Dolores Reames (Graham)  
Becky Rhyne (Parks)    
Don Richards   
Joyce Rippy (Resler)
Virgil Ann Robey (Benoit)  
Tommie Lou Rochelle (Stewart)  
Patricia Seawell (Connell)  
Glenda Shaw
Zora Shipman (Robbins)   
Lester Smith    
Linda Smith (Welch)   
Pat Smith
Patricia Smith (Frey)   
Sam Smith    
David Stafford    
Omega Stafford   
Eleanor Starnes (Grass)   
Rachel Starnes (Martin)   
Doris Sturdivant (Ballard)  
Norma Sturgis (Williford)   
Elizabeth Taylor (Vause)  
Phyllis Thompson
Sylvia Towe (Clontz)
James Townsend  
Jackie Walker (Trotter)  
Jeannie Walker  
Richard Wallace     
Leonard Ward   
Patricia Watkins (Dix)  
Glenda Watson
Mildred (Millie) Wells (Moody)  
Tom West    
Phyllis White  
Frances Williams (Wayland)
Betty Winkler (Helton)  
Dianne Yandle (Jerome)    
Lester (Les) Young   
Phyllis Young (Hargett)
Doug Youngblood  

Guest Members

June Marie (Rainwater)
Don Duncan
Johnny Furr   
Charles Gayle    
Harriet Kelly (Frazier)    
Glen Kerns   
Donna Lyons (Setzer)    
Doug Smith   

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