Harding High School

Faye Melvin Edwards
Faye's Latest Interactions
Thank you Anne for the Birthday wishes and I hope you have a happy one when it occurs. Being 85 and still on the roster is a great thing of which I think you will confirm. Take care and keep in touch.
Was sad to learn about the passing of Classmate Carolyn Morgan Miller. I extend my heartfelt sympathies to her family and loved ones and I hope you find comfort in knowing that others care.
Sonja Faye Melvin Edwards
Thank you for the birthday wishes. I hope you and yours are doing good and hope you enjoy the pleasant Spring days ahead of us. Love, Faye Melvin (Edwards)
Hope you have a wonderful birthday next week!
Posted on: Mar 28, 2022 at 10:56 AM
Happy Birthday Faye !!! I hope it is a great one for you.
Posted on: Mar 23, 2022 at 10:24 AM
Thank you Anne for your update. I'm glad you are doing good and hope you continue to do so. A.B. and I are doing okay. A.B. spent most of last year in and out of the hospital with a heart attack and a stroke but is doing better now that they put in a pacemaker. I have had some balance issues and falls and am currently receiving treatment of various sorts and hoping for better days. Keep in touch!
To the family of Jimmy Bagwell, I offer condolences on the loss of your loved one. I was a classmate of Jimmys and I am saddened to learn he is no longer with us.
Faye Melvin Edwards - Class of Harding Hgh School 1957
Happy 60th wedding anniversary to a wonderful couple!
Posted on: Apr 02, 2020 at 11:31 AM
Welcome to the website Rachel. I know you will enjoy it. Sammy does a wonderful job!
Happy Birthday Faye !!!! I hope it is a great one for you with many more to come. Have a great day but stay safe from this pandemic virus.
Was saddened to learn of the passing of Gayle who was such a wonderful person, wife and mother. I know Sammy is devistated and hope he can receive some comfort in knowing that others care and sympathize with him in this tragic loss.
Happy Birthday Faye!!! I hope it is a great one for you.
Sorry to hear about the passing of one of our classmates, Peter Leonard. I offer my sympathy to the family and hope that knowing that others care will give them comfort.
Sonja Faye Melvin Edwards